Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sweetest thing

Josie, you are SO cute it makes me want to scream. recently you have been holding my hand and holding my face and pulling them into your for a kiss, or to try and chew on them (you're teething). I just love it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Josie

I have many pictures and videos to share from the past 6 months of your life. I will do it. But before i forget, I want you to know about the warm buttery feeling I get when I hold your strong little body in my arms. Especially at night when you sleep on my shoulder. You are like the most perfect little girl and I can't stop snuggling you.

love mama

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I was very small when i was small

The world's smallest shoes

When you were born

Josie you came with a bang and you haven't stopped since. You were only 4 lbs. 12. ounces. But you were a little force to be reconned with. Look at the pic of you and your brother. It says it all.

Just so you know

Josie I know i have a lot to catch up on here, but the other night I fed you and held you while you slept on my shoulder. It is such a treat and wonderful feeling to have you like that. It is one of the great pleasure in my life little girl!